General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Desktop
Family Intel Pentium 4
CPU part numbers RN80528PC029G0K (SL5SY)
YD80528PC029G0K (SL57W)
Box part numbers BX80528JK170G (SL57V, SL57W, SL5TP)
BX80528JK170GR (SL57V, SL57W, SL5TP)
BX80528JK170GR2 (SL57V, SL57W)
Frequency (MHz) 1700
Bus speed (MHz) 400
Clock multiplier 17
Package Organic Land Grid Array (OLGA) package with Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS) on 423-pin interposer
2.1″ x 2.1″ (5.33 cm x 5.33 cm)
Socket Socket 423 (PGA423)
Introduction date Apr 23, 2001
Price at introduction $352
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core Willamette
Core steppings C1 (SL57V, SL57W)
Manufacturing process 0.18 micron
42 million transistors
Die size 217 mm2
Data width 32 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 12K micro-operations execution trace cache
8 KB data cache
Level 2 cache size 256 KB 8-way associative full-speed on-die cache
Multiprocessing Uniprocessor only
Low power features
System Management Mode
Auto-HALT mode
Stop Grant mode
Sleep mode
Deep Sleep mode
Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V) 1.75
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C) 5 – 76
Minimum/Maximum power dissipation (W) ? 19.08 (Stop Grant mode) / 83.58
Thermal Design Power (W) ? 64
Notes on Intel RN80528PC029G0K
Bus frequency is 100 MHz. Because the processor uses Quad Data Rate bus the effective bus speed is 400 MHz
The processor is marked as “1.7GHZ/256/400/1.75V”