Intel Pentium III 933/256/133/1.75V SL52Q (PGA370)


General information
Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment    Desktop
Family    Intel Pentium III
CPU part number    RB80526PZ933256 (QS83, QV43, SL44J, SL4C9, SL52Q, SL5DW, SL5U3)
Box part numbers    BX80526C933256 (SL49J, SL4ME, SL52Q)
BX80526C933256E (SL44J, SL4C9, SL52Q, SL5DW)
Frequency (MHz)       933
Bus speed (MHz)       133
Clock multiplier       7
Package    370-pin Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array (FC-PGA)
1.95″ x 1.95″ (4.95 cm x 4.95 cm)
Socket    Socket 370
Introduction date    May 24, 2000
Price at introduction    $744

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core       Coppermine
Core steppings       cB0 (SL44J, SL49J)
cC0 (SL4C9, SL4ME)
cD0 (SL52Q, SL5DW, SL5U3)
Manufacturing process    0.18 micron
28 million transistors
Data width    32 (64-bit data bus) bit
Floating Point Unit    Integrated
Level 1 cache size       16 KB instruction cache
16 KB data cache
Level 2 cache size       Full-speed integrated 8-way set associative 256 KB

* MMX technology
* SSE instructions
Low power features
AutoHALT state
Stop Grant state
Sleep state
Deep Sleep state
System Management Mode

Electrical/Thermal parameters
Min/Recommended/Max V core (V)    1.57 / 1.65 / 1.69
1.62 / 1.7 / 1.74
1.67 / 1.75 / 1.79
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C)       0 – 77
Maximum power dissipation (W)       30.09 (1.7V core)
32.9 (1.75V core)

Notes on Intel RB80526PZ933256

The processor is usually marked as 933/256/133/1.65V, 933/256/133/1.7V or 933/256/133/1.75V, where the last number specifies processor’s core voltage.
If the processor is marked with RB80526PZ933256 part number then use processor specification number to identify processor’s core voltage

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