General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Desktop
Family Intel Pentium II
CPU part number 80523PY400512 (Q434, SL2S7)
Frequency (MHz) 400
Bus speed (MHz) 100
Clock multiplier 4
Package Single Edge Contact Cartridge
5.505″ x 2.473″ x 0.647″ (13.98 cm x 6.28 cm x 1.64 cm)
Socket Slot 1
Introduction date 15-Apr-98
Price at introduction $824
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core Deschutes
Core stepping dA1 (SL2S7)
Manufacturing process 0.25 micron, 7.5 million transistors
Data width 32 bit
Data bus width 64 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 16 KB code
16 KB data
Level 2 cache size 512 KB unified cache running at 1/2 of processor frequency
Physical memory (GB) 64
Multiprocessing Up to 2 processors
Low power features
AutoHALT state
Stop Grant state
Sleep state
Deep Sleep state
Electrical/Thermal parameters
Min/Recommended/Max V core (V) 1.9 / 2 / 2.1
V L2 cache (V) 3.3 ± 5%
Maximum operating temperature (°C) 75
Maximum power dissipation (W) 32.73
Thermal Design Power (W) 24.3