Intel 486 A804486DX2-66 SX911


General information
Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Family    Intel 80486
CPU part number    A80486DX2-66 (Q0609, Q0618, Q0652, SK058, SK080, SX645, SX731, SX739, SX750, SX759, SX762, SX807, SX911, SX955)
Frequency (MHz)       66
Bus speed (MHz)       33
Clock multiplier       2
Package    168-pin Pin Grid Array
1.75″ x 1.75″ (4.45 cm x 4.45 cm)
Introduction date    10-Aug-92
Upgrade options

Use Intel PODP5V83 to upgrade to Pentium 83 MHz
See 80486 upgrade matrix for more information.

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Manufacturing process    0.8 micron
1.2 million transistors
Data width    32 bit
Floating Point Unit    Integrated
Level 1 cache size       8 KB 4-way set associative unified code and data cache
Physical memory (GB)    4
Virtual memory (TB)    64
Low power features

Stop Clock state (SL enhanced version only)
Stop Grant state (SL enhanced version only)
Stop Clock Snoop state (SL enhanced version only)
Auto Halt state (SL enhanced version only)
Auto Idle Power Down mode (SL enhanced version only)
Upgrade Power Down mode (SL enhanced version only)

On-chip peripherals    Memory management unit

Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V)       5 ± 5%
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C)       0 – 85
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W)    N/A / 4.88 / 6.3
0.45 (Stop Grant mode) / 4.5 / 6.3 (SL technology)

Notes on Intel A80486DX2-66

* Newer versions of the processor incorporate SL technology.