Commodore 64 +monitor, box (model: C64) (Nr.3)


Paldies Jurijam no Lietuvas.

The Commodore 64 (alias: C64; alternative CBM64, C=64, VIC-64, in Germany VC-64, in Sweden VIC=64S) is the
most favored and best-selling home computer of the 80’s, which was built from 1982 until 1993. The C64 is the successor of the first colour video home computer VIC20. The successor of the C64 is the C128, which was sold as an office-computer.
The C64 was voted the computer of the year twice in the category home computer by an international committee of journalists from computer magazines.
The statements of the sales figures are very different. The declaration of 30 million sold C64s is way too high.
The realistic statement is something about 17 million and in Germany, Commodore has sold about 3 million C64s.
The fall of the Berlin wall, in 1989, was a lucky chance for the C64. The C64 was sold in eastern Europe until
the collapse of Commodore due to financial trouble.