AMD Duron D700AUT1B (AKCA0044TPAW)



General information
Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment    Desktop
Family    AMD Duron
CPU part number    D700AUT1B
Stepping codes    AKBA   AKCA   AMCA
Frequency (MHz)       700
Bus speed (MHz)       200
Clock multiplier      7
Package    453-pin staggered ceramic PGA
1.95″ x 1.95″ (4.95 cm x 4.95 cm)
AMD Package numbers    26822, 27016
Socket    Socket A (Socket 462)
Introduction date    19-Jun-00
Price at introduction    $192

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core      Spitfire (Model 3)
Manufacturing process    0.18 micron
25 million transistors
Floating Point Unit    Integrated
Level 1 cache size       64 KB code
64 KB data
Level 2 cache size       on-die 64 KB exclusive cache

* MMX technology
* Enhanced 3DNow! Technology with 24 new instructions

Low power features

* Halt state
* Stop Grant states
* Sleep state
* Probe state

Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V)       1.6 ± 0.1
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C)      0 – 90
Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W)    28.2 / 31.4

Notes on AMD D700AUT1B

* Actual bus frequency is 100 MHz. Because the processor uses Double Data Rate bus the effective bus speed is 200 MHz.