General information
Type CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment Server
Family Intel Pentium Pro
CPU part number KB80521EX200 256K (Q034, Q0861, Q0872, Q0874, Q908, SL22T, SL22V, SL245, SL247, SL254, SL255, SY013, SY032, SY040)
Box part number BP80521200 256K (SL23M, SU104)
Frequency (MHz) 200
Bus speed (MHz) 66
Clock multiplier 3
Package 387-pin Modified Staggered Ceramic Pin Grid Array with gold plated heat spreader
2.66″ x 2.46″ (6.76 cm x 6.25 cm)
Socket Socket 8
Weight 3.2oz / 90g
Introduction date 1-Nov-95
Upgrade options Pentium II Overdrive
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Core steppings sA0 (Q0874, SY013)
sA1 (Q0872, SL245, SL247, SU104, SY032, SY040)
sB1 (Q034, SL22T, SL22V, SL23M_1, SL254, SL255)
Manufacturing process 0.35 and 0.6 micron
5.5 million transistors
Data width 32 bit
Data bus width 64 bit
Floating Point Unit Integrated
Level 1 cache size 8 KB four-way set associative code
8 KB two-way set associative data
Level 2 cache size 256 KB
Pipeline 12-stage
Multiprocessing Up to 4 processors
Low power features
Stop Grant mode
Auto HALT mode
Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V) ? 3.3 ± 5%
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature (°C) 0 – 85
Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W) 3.96 (Stop Grant mode) / 27.3 / 38.81
Thermal Design Power (W) 35
Notes on Intel KB80521EX200 256K
* Minimum core frequency is 150 MHz
* Minum bus frequency is 50 MHz
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