Intel Pentium II B80523P233512 SL2QA (Slot 1)


General information
Type    CPU / Microprocessor
Market segment    Desktop
Family    Intel Pentium II
CPU part number    80522PX233512 (SL264, SL2HD)
Box part number    B80522P233512 (SL28K, SL2QA)
Frequency (MHz)       233
Bus speed (MHz)       66
Clock multiplier       3.5
Package    Single Edge Contact Cartridge
5.505″ x 2.473″ x 0.647″ (13.98 cm x 6.28 cm x 1.64 cm)
Socket    Slot 1
Introduction date    7-May-97
Price at introduction    $636

Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core       Klamath
Core steppings       C0 (SL264, SL28K)
Manufacturing process    0.35 micron, 7.5 million transistors
Data width    32 bit
Data bus width    64 bit
Floating Point Unit    Integrated
Level 1 cache size       16 KB code
16 KB data
Level 2 cache size       512 KB unified cache running at 1/2 of processor frequency
Physical memory (GB)    64
Multiprocessing    Up to 2 processors
Low power features
AutoHALT state
Stop Grant state
Sleep state  ?
Deep Sleep state

Electrical/Thermal parameters
V core (V)       2.8
V L2 cache (V)    3.3 ± 5%
Maximum operating temperature (°C)       75
Maximum power dissipation (W)  ?     41.71
Thermal Design Power (W)       34.8